Review: Rural Rebellion

Rural Rebellion by Ross Benes is part memoir, part contemporary history, part political analysis. It blends these aspects together effortlessly to document Nebraska's rightward trend. Highly recommended for political junkies, and a must read for the Democratic National Committee.

Review: The Sum of Us

The Sum of Us by Heather McGhee is required reading for anyone building an anti-racism reading list. McGhee, not only points out the problems and their roots, she gives us examples of people working to improve the nation towards its goal of freedom and equality for all. Highly Recommended.

Review: Russia Resurrected

Russia Resurrected documents just how far Russia has come since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Kathryn E. Stoner created a clear analysis of Russia's use of its power towards its foreign policy goals, and hopefully, copies of this book will be passed around in the new presidential administration. Highly recommended.

Anti-Racism Reading List

The killing of George Floyd has started many necessary conversations. To supplement those conversations, let me offer some reading suggestions. Here is my personal anti-racism reading list. How to Be Antiracist by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi “Antiracism is a transformative concept that reorients and reenergizes the conversation about racism—and, even more fundamentally, points us toward … Continue reading Anti-Racism Reading List

Review: The Deficit Myth

The Deficit Myth by Stephanie Kelton explains a revolutionary finance theory in easy to understand terms. It places the focus of government finances back where it belongs...on helping citizens. Highly Recommended.