Review: Thinking 101

Dr. Woo-Kyoung Ahn's Thinking 101 teaches us how we make mistakes in our thought process through clear definitions and many pertinent, interesting examples. By putting into place her strategies for combating biases, maybe we can make ourselves a little better and find a little more grace and patience for others. Highly recommended.

Put the Attainable in SMART Goals

Over at my Patreon page, this week I discuss the A in SMART goal setting. Setting attainable goals is an important step for achieving the life you want to live. Click the link to Put the Attainable in SMART Goals. Follow this link to the PrimmLife Patreon page.

Vacation Over!

2018 has been a strange year so far. With illnesses, work projects, and family, I’ve been going, going, going. In addition to work, I’ve been reading, writing, and reviewing. While the year has been extremely productive, I’ve gone a little Charlie Day pinning stuff to walls lately. Vacation Luckily, my in-laws planned a trip to … Continue reading Vacation Over!

Pinched Nerve

I haven’t been officially diagnosed, but watching videos on YouTube, I’m pretty sure I have a pinched nerve. I’ve got numbness in my arm that I’ve been able to alleviate with exercises. It’s interfered with my blogging schedule, and I as rehab it, hopefully, I’ll be able to get back to posting more regularly. The … Continue reading Pinched Nerve