The Black Coast by Mike Brooks is an excellent addition to the epic fantasy genre. Brooks has created a deep world with interesting politics and excellent writing. The world building is superb. Highly recommended to fantasy fans.
Review: Russia Resurrected
Russia Resurrected documents just how far Russia has come since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Kathryn E. Stoner created a clear analysis of Russia's use of its power towards its foreign policy goals, and hopefully, copies of this book will be passed around in the new presidential administration. Highly recommended.
Review: The Last Watch
Our universe is expanding, and there exist three possible states of universal growth. The first, and most likely, is that the universe will continue to expand forever to its heat death. The second is that whatever force is causing the universe to expand will reach equilibrium with gravity, and the universe will reach a stable … Continue reading Review: The Last Watch
Review: Persephone Station
Persephone Station by Stina Leicht blew me away. The characters, the story, the setting worked, and I hope we get more stories in this universe.
2021 Review Preview
2021 is almost here. The new year promises to be one of change, but here at Primmlife, I’ll be up to my same old, same old. I have plenty of fantastic books to review for the coming year. The list leans heavily toward science fiction and fantasy, but politics and history make the list as … Continue reading 2021 Review Preview
NaNo 2020 Lessons Learned and Review Previews
NaNoWriMo I won! On November 29th, I cleared the 50,000 word finish line. For now, the novel is about half done. Out of the two main characters, only one has a complete story arc, which needs work. Overall, I’m happy with that performance. I learned a lot about my personal writing habits and pushed myself … Continue reading NaNo 2020 Lessons Learned and Review Previews
Review: Domesticating Dragons
Domesticating Dragons is a fun ride through the science of bringing dragons to life, not as monsters but as pets. This book is highly recommended to fans of the scientific process, dragons, and genetics.
Quick Mid-November Update
NaNoWriMo Well, the month has flown by. It’s almost Thanksgiving! Work is slowing down; so, I can get back to a somewhat normal life. November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). During these 30 days, people attempt to write a 50,000 word novel from start to finish. That means a total daily word count of … Continue reading Quick Mid-November Update
Review: Ruin and Renewal
Ruin and Renewal by Dr. Paul Betts delivered a fascinating history of Cold War Europe as it sought to rebuild and defend its civilization. Ruin and Renewal is a must have for anyone interested in European or Cold War history. Highly recommended.
Review: An Event, Perhaps
Peter Salmon's An Event, Perhaps is a gateway book that will surely lead people to the dangers of deconstruction and post-modernism. This excellent biography is a wonderful introduction to a titan of French philosophy. Highly Recommended.