Amberlough kicks off a spy series set in a Jazz Age equivalent world. The setting and language make this series opener fresh and exciting while the characters pull the reader into the story. Highly recommended!
Building New Habits, Breaking Old Ones
2019 began differently than normal for me. The beginning of the year is the time where I set goals for the year and set priorities. This year, I didn’t set goals. In fact, I delayed my way right into a convenient new strategy. No more goals!!!
Reviews to Start the Year Off
Hello! It’s been a busy past few weeks. I’m dealing with identity theft and applying for a new position at work. But I always have time for reviews. 2019 is starting off with an excellent to be read pile, and I thought I’d share with you what’s on the schedule. I’m halfway through Amberlough right … Continue reading Reviews to Start the Year Off
Review: The Fall
When reading The Nine by Tracy Townsend, I found myself ruminating on religion in fantasy. Her take – a religion dedicated to god as an experimental scientist taking notes on his creation – piqued this engineer's interest. It ended well with ominous overtones for the future of the god's experiment. In The Fall, the ominous … Continue reading Review: The Fall
Review: Breach
The Berlin Wall is an interesting if short part of history. At the end of World War II, the allies split Germany into four parts. The Americans, British, and French remained allies, and their parts of Germany remained united. Russia, in the form of the Soviet Union, separated its occupied territory from the rest, becoming … Continue reading Review: Breach
Which Format is Best II – Annotation
Some people think books are sacred. I don’t like to crack the spine on paperbacks. Friends have told me it’s disrespectful to put books on the floor. Since they represent knowledge, they shouldn’t be down among the dirt and the dust. Because of this sacred nature, many see writing in books as sacrilege. In a … Continue reading Which Format is Best II – Annotation
Which Book Format is Best?
Tsundoku is the act of buying or acquiring books only to have them pile up without reading them. What a beautiful word to describe one of my vices. I buy books. And more books. And even more books. It’s gotten so bad that I try to have a “one book read, one book bought policy.” … Continue reading Which Book Format is Best?
Review: How the Right Lost Its Mind
How the Right Lost Its Mind by Charles J. Sykes is a must-read for political junkies looking for the conservative never-Trumpers assessment of the current Republican party. Highly recommended.
Fall 2018 Reading
I caught up with all my summer reading, and as we head into fall here in Missouri, I have four intriguing books lined up. Politics and fantasy rule my near-term to be read pile. Do you see anything that you like? Have you read any of these? Leave a comment to let me know what … Continue reading Fall 2018 Reading
Review: Salvation’s Fire
Salvation's Fire by Justina Robson is an enjoyable if confusing return to the world of Guardians and Yorughan.