Review: Breach

The Berlin Wall is an interesting if short part of history. At the end of World War II, the allies split Germany into four parts. The Americans, British, and French remained allies, and their parts of Germany remained united. Russia, in the form of the Soviet Union, separated its occupied territory from the rest, becoming … Continue reading Review: Breach

Review: Noumenon Infinity

Noumenon Infinity by Marina J. Lostetter is an excellent space opera focused on beautiful character details and grand idea on the biggest stage possible. Highly recommended.

Review: Temper

Each time I sit down to write about Temper by Nicky Drayden, I can't find a place to start because all I can think about is how much I enjoyed this novel. Where to begin? The themes of balance? Artificial class division? Mythology? World-building? Intriguing characters? Temper hits its mark on every count. TL;DR Temper … Continue reading Review: Temper

Review: Kompromat

In 2016, Russia ran an unprecedented cyber operation in the United States, which impacted the 2016 presidential election. But it's most devastating consequence is creating doubt in the objectivity of our elections. Through a variety of tactics like social engineering, fake news, and targeted advertising, the Russians sought to undermine the US's democracy, and even … Continue reading Review: Kompromat