Tsundoku is the act of buying or acquiring books only to have them pile up without reading them. What a beautiful word to describe one of my vices. I buy books. And more books. And even more books. It's gotten so bad that I try to have a "one book read, one book bought policy." … Continue reading Which Book Format is Best?
Publication Day
Putting the Science in Fiction It's publication day! Putting the Science in Fiction is available now. Scroll down for ordering links. Science and technology have starring roles in a wide range of genres--science fiction, fantasy, thriller, mystery, and more. Unfortunately, many depictions of technical subjects in literature, film, and television are pure fiction. A basic … Continue reading Publication Day
Review: Lost in Math
One thought experiment that I love is the Theseus Paradox, which asks the question that if a ship is repaired and all of its old parts replaced, is it the same ship that was originally built or a new one? When looking at modern theoretical physics, I start to wonder if we're approaching a similar … Continue reading Review: Lost in Math
Goodbye Facebook
Last month, I decided to take a break from Facebook. I engaged in too many political debates that, while fun, were taking up too much of my ability to focus. With work increasing and turning 40, I decided its time to get rid of the Facebook distraction. Was getting off Facebook worth it? Should you … Continue reading Goodbye Facebook
Review: When Einstein Walked with Gödel
Review When Einstein Walked with Gödel Math and philosophy have always been two sides of the same coin to me. One uses numbers and symbols to build logical arguments, and the other uses words as its tools. While the goals look different, they are actually very similar. Both disciplines seek to explain the beauty of … Continue reading Review: When Einstein Walked with Gödel
Debate Creep
In which I try to define my problem when arguing…
2017 in Retrospect
2017, on a personal level, has been a good but busy year. On a national level, it’s been a disaster, but there are many people talking about that in a much better way than I. It’s a bit early to do a year in review for me. There is a lot of good things happening … Continue reading 2017 in Retrospect
Review: Astrophysics for People in a Hurry
The difference between a good artist and a great one is never a question of competency. No, the great artist reveals the beauty of the subject in a way that creates awe in us whereas the good simply represents. The great reawakens that childish sense of amazement. If this is true, then Neil deGrasse Tyson … Continue reading Review: Astrophysics for People in a Hurry