Adam Gopnik's A Thousand Small Sanities defends contemporary liberalism as an heir to humanist tradition and posits that real change comes from building community. This isn't a sexy or flashy political firework; it's the light that illuminates and creates space for work to be done. Recommended
Review: The People, No
Thomas Frank's The People, No should be required reading for VP Joe Biden's campaign and anyone wanting to know how the Democratic party abdicated the working class. Highly recommended!
Anti-Racism Reading List
The killing of George Floyd has started many necessary conversations. To supplement those conversations, let me offer some reading suggestions. Here is my personal anti-racism reading list. How to Be Antiracist by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi “Antiracism is a transformative concept that reorients and reenergizes the conversation about racism—and, even more fundamentally, points us toward … Continue reading Anti-Racism Reading List
Review: The Deficit Myth
The Deficit Myth by Stephanie Kelton explains a revolutionary finance theory in easy to understand terms. It places the focus of government finances back where it belongs...on helping citizens. Highly Recommended.
Behind on My Review Schedule
I’m behind on my review schedule. This past Tuesday, I was supposed to post my review for the paperback edition of Dying of Whiteness by Jonathan Metzl from Basic Books. I bought the hardcover earlier this year, and it sat on my to be read pile. When I saw the chance to review the paperback … Continue reading Behind on My Review Schedule
Review: To Sleep in a Sea of Stars (Partial ARC)
Christopher Paolini’s To Sleep in a Sea of Stars starts off with an intriguing take on the first contact story. As I only had a partial review copy, I'm looking forward to seeing if Paolini keeps up the action in this fun new Space Opera. Highly Recommended.
Review: Peace Talks (Dresden Files #16)
Jim Butcher's Peace Talks delivers exactly what I want from a Dresden Files novel. Highly recommended.
Review: Hiding in Plain Sight
Sarah Kendzior's Hiding in Plain Sight is beautifully written, thoroughly researched, and absolutely terrifying. Highly recommended.
Review: John Adams Under Fire
National myths set a foundation for a country's character. One of my favorites is how John Adams defended British soldiers after the Boston Massacre. His actions show that everyone, even people that we despise. In the United States, the law is the supreme arbiter, and we all are equal under the law. But myths also … Continue reading Review: John Adams Under Fire
Review: Unmaking the Presidency
Already much more fraught than anyone expected, 2020 is here. Potential war on the horizon, impeachment battles, and a fall election loom over the United States. The third year of the Trump presidency is coming to a close, and the fourth - hopefully, final - year of this administration promises to be as controversial and … Continue reading Review: Unmaking the Presidency