If I have one regret about my college days, it's that I didn't pay more attention in my math classes. When I applied for graduation, I found out through filling out all the necessary forms that I was a single class away from a minor in math. At the time, it was just a missed … Continue reading Math on the YouTubes!!!
Review: Trade Deal (Born to the Blade S1E5)
The dust settled with Kris as a new Warder. Trade Deal, episode five of Born to the Blade, returns to the political jockeying that makes Twaa-fei so interesting. The consequences of The Gauntlet begin here. Trade Deal by Malka Older is the fifth episode of Serial Box's Born to the Blade series. TL;DR Trade Deal … Continue reading Review: Trade Deal (Born to the Blade S1E5)
Review: The Gauntlet (Born to the Blade S1E4)
The Gauntlet awaits Kris Denn. Will they succeed and take their place as part of the Warder's Circle? Or will they fail, which means Rumika must wait a decade to challenge again? Episode four of Serial Box's Born to the Blade series focuses on the warder candidate and their trial. In order to join the … Continue reading Review: The Gauntlet (Born to the Blade S1E4)
Review: Baby Shower (Born to the Blade S1E3)
Baby Shower continues the excellent story being told in Born to the Blade. This third episode does indeed feature a baby shower that is political not friendly. Baby Shower focuses on character interaction and builds on the subtleties of episode two, Fault Lines. TL;DR Baby Shower is another enjoyable entry in the saga of Born … Continue reading Review: Baby Shower (Born to the Blade S1E3)
Review: Fault Lines (Born to the Blade S1E2)
In Episode Two of Serial Box's latest series, politics, world-building, and a party feature. Where episode one, Arrivals, opened the world and the set the stage, episode two, Fault Lines by Marie Brennan, deepens the world while ratcheting up the politicking. Episode two solidifies Born to the Blade as a fun series worth reading. TL;DR … Continue reading Review: Fault Lines (Born to the Blade S1E2)
Review: When Einstein Walked with Gödel
Review When Einstein Walked with Gödel Math and philosophy have always been two sides of the same coin to me. One uses numbers and symbols to build logical arguments, and the other uses words as its tools. While the goals look different, they are actually very similar. Both disciplines seek to explain the beauty of … Continue reading Review: When Einstein Walked with Gödel
Weekly Reading Roundup 8 April 2018
Weekly Reading Roundup 8 April 2018 Last week's Reading Roundup got delayed due to my great news! Friday, I wrote about the cover reveal of an anthology in which two of my essays are being published. So, this weekly reading roundup for the first week is here. Cultural Appropriation A Twitter thread by Calvin Wong … Continue reading Weekly Reading Roundup 8 April 2018
Review: Think Again
Modern American society is one big competition for people's attention. From phones to television to social media, our attention span decreased to nothing. At the same time, the so-called culture wars deepened the divide in our two party system. While political division exists all through US history, it is much more extreme than just twenty … Continue reading Review: Think Again
Review: Arrivals (Born to the Blade S1E1)
Serialized stories are not new. Magazines often published novels and stories in parts, but this form of storytelling fell out of popularity as audiences switched to novels. Novellas and novelettes also declined in popularity, but in the past few years, the form has gotten renewed interest. So, why not serialized stories? Serial Box is answering … Continue reading Review: Arrivals (Born to the Blade S1E1)
Review: A Brotherhood of Spies
The Lockheed U-2 occupies a unique spot in both aerospace and military history. Operated by the US Air Force but property of the Central Intelligence Agency, the U-2 wrested technology from the military to put it into the hands of the fledgling intelligence community. The CIA wouldn't be the lovable spy palace it is today … Continue reading Review: A Brotherhood of Spies