Why do the laws of physics exist? Our universe is not a place of chaos and lawlessness. It and everything within it follow strict rules that shape the universe into a place where we can exist. For some, this indicates a creator, who set everything in motion for us. For other like Peter Atkins, there … Continue reading Review: Conjuring the Universe
Review: The Future of Humanity
Science fiction often sends humanity off planet and out into the universe. Have you ever wondered how as a species humans accomplish this? If the answer is yes, then physicist Michio Kaku has written the book for you.
Review: Damn Fine Story by Chuck Wendig
I have a weakness for books about writing. Sometimes, I wonder if I like learning about the process more than actually, you know, writing. From Rachel Aaron's 2,000 to 10,000 to Steven Pressfield's The War of Art to John Truby's The Anatomy of Story to Natalie Goldberg's Writing Down the Bones, I've built a collection … Continue reading Review: Damn Fine Story by Chuck Wendig
Review: Mage: The Hero Discovered (Vol. 1)
Back when I first discovered comics, I read only superhero stories, and soon, I grew frustrated with the never ending storylines and having to chase another comic to maintain the story in the one I was reading. It quickly became apparent that I wanted more than a superhero story. There's nothing wrong with those types … Continue reading Review: Mage: The Hero Discovered (Vol. 1)
Review: Noumenon
Sometimes, a book or song or movie will come along at just the right time and strike a resounding chord. Noumenon hit that sweet spot for me. On my blog, I’ve been thinking about generation ships. Suddenly, the stars aligned, and Harper Voyager gave me the opportunity to review Noumenon. It was SF love at … Continue reading Review: Noumenon
Review: The Darkness That Comes Before
Years ago, I saw rave reviews for this debut novel, The Darkness That Comes Before by R. Scott Bakker. Each review highlighted the book's departure from the standard western European setting for an epic fantasy. Based on my reading at the time, that was enough to sell me. I read it back when I lived … Continue reading Review: The Darkness That Comes Before
Review: Bitch Planet Vol 2
Graphic novels are a different experience than all text, but the great ones elicit the same responses. Great stories are great regardless of medium. But the best take full advantage of the medium. The first volume of Bitch Planet exceeded all my expectations, which were high based on the creative team of Kelly Sue DeConnick … Continue reading Review: Bitch Planet Vol 2
Review: Astrophysics for People in a Hurry
The difference between a good artist and a great one is never a question of competency. No, the great artist reveals the beauty of the subject in a way that creates awe in us whereas the good simply represents. The great reawakens that childish sense of amazement. If this is true, then Neil deGrasse Tyson … Continue reading Review: Astrophysics for People in a Hurry
Five Quick Reviews 04/2017
Spiderlight by Adrian Tchaikovsky An adventuring party enlists the aid of a creature of darkness in their quest to destroy the Dark Lord. As they pursue said quest, members of the group come to see the creature not as a spawn of pure evil but as something else – not human but not monster. Tchaikovsky … Continue reading Five Quick Reviews 04/2017