2018 stared poorly, and it ended poorly. I posted a long detailed report about 2018, which detailed the challenges that I faced during the year. I'm proud of that post, but before it could be backed up, the database for my website got deleted or corrupted or whatever. My website went down for an hour … Continue reading 2018 Year End Review
Review: How the Right Lost Its Mind
How the Right Lost Its Mind by Charles J. Sykes is a must-read for political junkies looking for the conservative never-Trumpers assessment of the current Republican party. Highly recommended.
Review: Salvation’s Fire
Salvation's Fire by Justina Robson is an enjoyable if confusing return to the world of Guardians and Yorughan.
Review: Temper
Each time I sit down to write about Temper by Nicky Drayden, I can't find a place to start because all I can think about is how much I enjoyed this novel. Where to begin? The themes of balance? Artificial class division? Mythology? World-building? Intriguing characters? Temper hits its mark on every count. TL;DR Temper … Continue reading Review: Temper
What I’m Reading – July 2018
What I’m Reading July 2018 I have three excellent Advanced Reading Copies (ARCs) this month: two science fiction novels and a political analysis. Which one of these looks good to you? Let me know in the comments below. Temper by Nicky Drayden I actually just finished Temper and loved it. This book about twins covers … Continue reading What I’m Reading – July 2018
Review: A Study in Honor
To paraphrase Heraclitus, you can never step into the same stream twice. This simple saying occupies a Schrodinger's version of truth because you both can and can't. The stream itself is the collection of water, land, stone, and geographic marker while at the same time each of those are undergoing micro-changes. While the phrase is … Continue reading Review: A Study in Honor
Review: Redemption’s Blade
While stories can be solely for escape, they also ask and answer questions that are too ghastly to be explored in real life. Even though fiction asks many questions, it sticks to certain ones, and others are ignored. In Fantasy, the war to end the evil empire is common, but rarer are the stories that … Continue reading Review: Redemption’s Blade
Review: Kompromat
In 2016, Russia ran an unprecedented cyber operation in the United States, which impacted the 2016 presidential election. But it's most devastating consequence is creating doubt in the objectivity of our elections. Through a variety of tactics like social engineering, fake news, and targeted advertising, the Russians sought to undermine the US's democracy, and even … Continue reading Review: Kompromat
Review: Free Space
As with Admiral, Free Space is a survival story but in a completely different way. The Admiral and Salmagard are kidnapped with two other Imperials for the purposes of human trafficking.
Review: Lost in Math
One thought experiment that I love is the Theseus Paradox, which asks the question that if a ship is repaired and all of its old parts replaced, is it the same ship that was originally built or a new one? When looking at modern theoretical physics, I start to wonder if we're approaching a similar … Continue reading Review: Lost in Math