The Joys of Blogging

It’s Friday! What a week it has been. Work has cut into most of my writing time, which is okay. I like my paycheck, and sadly my writing provides zero of those. I am, however, working on a couple of posts for this blog – a spiritual piece and a book review. The book review is still in first draft state; so, it’s not ready. And the other isn’t halfway done yet. In short, I’m behind schedule.


Basically this post is to keep up the habit, and I will get back to it this weekend. As usual, I have a few ideas for this blog, but we’ll see if they can hold my attention enough to actually follow through. When it comes to ideas, I am too easily seduced by the newest one. This is not a good thing for a writer. Writers need to focus on the project they’re working on. I’ve read lots of advice about how to focus on one idea. Ultimately, my failure comes down to discipline.

This blog is a public attempt to improve my discipline. This blog allows me to purge the momentary seduction of a new idea to get back to work on the longer term projects.
