Go, Watch Movies with Mikey

One of the reasons that I love Twitter is that people share excellent art. There is so much art on Twitter, and I don’t remember who exactly shared the Movies with Mikey video shown below. But I do know that the one video was enough to ensure I would watch all the other ones. It’s worth your time. Go, watch, and subscribe.

Art is excellent. And I enjoy it more when I listen (and/or read) other people’s reactions to art. Well, at least, their well thought out criticisms and analysis. Someone saying “That movie is bad” isn’t exactly satisfying or specific. Analysis and criticism allow me to pick up on more of the art than I noticed in my viewing, reading, or listening. This means that the next time I try to enjoy some art, I’ll be able to notice more, enjoy more, and appreciate the effort that the creator put into the work. Movies with Mikey is excellent art analysis that is art itself. I’ve enjoyed many of his videos, and his approach to analysis is one that I appreciate because it teaches me as it entertains. So go and watch Movies with Mikey.