Review: Dresden Files Dog Men

The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher is my favorite current running series. I discovered the series through an early review of the seventh book in the series. In anticipation of Dead Beat, I quickly read all previous six books in the series, and since then, I’ve picked up every hardback during the week of its release. I even have a couple beautiful Subterranean Press editions1. In between new book releases, I listen to the audiobooks. At the end of 2017, I went through the audiobooks from Storm Front to Skin Game in order, and I’m eagerly awaiting Peace Talks. But I haven’t dipped into the comics. When the opportunity to review Dog Men came up, I hoped it’d be enough to tide me over until the next release.

TL;DR: Solid if straight forward comic set in the Dresden Files universe. Recommended for fans of the series that want more than just the novels.

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I enjoyed Dog Men, but it didn’t scratch that Dresden Files itch for me. When I visit Harry and friends, the stories are fast-paced and never predictable. Mr. Butcher has a talent for putting in twists that are both surprising and natural. While Dog Men was fast-paced and fun, it was missing the twist that makes the reader reexamine the whole story. I’m unsure of when this fits into the Dresden timeline, and that’s okay. I’m sure a more attentive fan could easily figure that out.

The art is good, and it represented Harry’s world to me. It’s a little rough and dark. It marries medium to story well.

Overall, Dog Men was an enjoyable read. It’s not my favorite entry in the Dresden cannon, but I’m glad I read it. My perception of the story is likely held to a higher standard because of the novels. This may not be a fair comparison. My favorite part of this story is getting to see more of Listens-to-Wind in action. The Dresden Files has a large universe of characters that are compelling all on their own, but due to the nature of the series, we only see a little of their lives. So, I enjoyed getting to see a favorite secondary character get more page time. If you’re a Dresden Files fan, this comic will satisfy because it deepens the setting and lets us ride along with Harry once again. Recommended!

6 out of 10

1. Seriously, these are beautiful books. I highly recommend checking Subterranean Press and their lovely collector’s editions.