Weekly Reading Roundup 20 April 2018

Weekly Reading Roundup 20 April 2018

Once again, I’m posting about the reading that really stood out to me during the week. Normally, these are items that I’d have posted on Facebook, but a few weeks ago, I dropped my Facebook account. You see, I became addicted to Facebook – posting, commenting, debating, and watching distracting videos – all took up too much of my time. But there are certain things that deserve a signal boost, even a weak one like mine. So, this space is designed to cultivate the articles, tweets, whatever, that I enjoyed throughout the week. If you see something interesting, please, click through and read. If you see something that you think I’d like, place a link in the comments below.

weekly reading roundup 20 april 2018

Writing Motivation

by Maria Dahvana Headley

The following thread popped up in my Twitter timeline, and I’m so glad it did. Read the whole thread and try not to be inspired. You’re gonna fail. By the end, the author will have ready to write your masterpiece and to push your boundaries while doing it. A must read for aspiring authors.

Should I Give Up on White People?

by George Yancy

In this opinion piece, the author of Dear White America discusses his reaction to the hatred white people sent him for daring to post that article. As a white man, it’s difficult to read that, but in no way do I doubt his words. It’s worth reading and thinking about. Why does an article elicit such a response?

Given such nasty, unconscionable, violent and perhaps liable discourse, why do I continue to speak to white America about its racism? After all, I am not a masochist, nor do I want to be a martyr.