Weekly Reading Roundup 25 May 2018

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve done a reading roundup. Due to work, reading for reviews, and my own personal writing, I haven’t been reading quite as widely in the past. Some of what I’ve read have been good and interesting. The following article made me laugh, and the world needs more laughter now. I mean, the joyful kind, not the condescending laughter I see so much on the Tweeto’sphere.

Weekly Reading Roundup 25 May 2018

The Unbearable Literalism of Being a Mathematician

By Evelyn Lamb

This funny piece made me laugh, and it’s math, which has been my obsession lately.

One of the strengths of mathematical thinking is that, while intuition and creativity guide us, we follow it up with rigor and logic. We don’t assume the obvious is true without a proof.