I caught up with all my summer reading, and as we head into fall here in Missouri, I have four intriguing books lined up. Politics and fantasy rule my near-term to be read pile. Do you see anything that you like? Have you read any of these? Leave a comment to let me know what … Continue reading Fall 2018 Reading
Review: Salvation’s Fire
Salvation's Fire by Justina Robson is an enjoyable if confusing return to the world of Guardians and Yorughan.
Review: Redemption’s Blade
While stories can be solely for escape, they also ask and answer questions that are too ghastly to be explored in real life. Even though fiction asks many questions, it sticks to certain ones, and others are ignored. In Fantasy, the war to end the evil empire is common, but rarer are the stories that … Continue reading Review: Redemption’s Blade
Review: Trade Deal (Born to the Blade S1E5)
The dust settled with Kris as a new Warder. Trade Deal, episode five of Born to the Blade, returns to the political jockeying that makes Twaa-fei so interesting. The consequences of The Gauntlet begin here. Trade Deal by Malka Older is the fifth episode of Serial Box’s Born to the Blade series. TL;DR Trade Deal … Continue reading Review: Trade Deal (Born to the Blade S1E5)
Review: The Gauntlet (Born to the Blade S1E4)
The Gauntlet awaits Kris Denn. Will they succeed and take their place as part of the Warder’s Circle? Or will they fail, which means Rumika must wait a decade to challenge again? Episode four of Serial Box’s Born to the Blade series focuses on the warder candidate and their trial. In order to join the … Continue reading Review: The Gauntlet (Born to the Blade S1E4)
Review: Fault Lines (Born to the Blade S1E2)
In Episode Two of Serial Box’s latest series, politics, world-building, and a party feature. Where episode one, Arrivals, opened the world and the set the stage, episode two, Fault Lines by Marie Brennan, deepens the world while ratcheting up the politicking. Episode two solidifies Born to the Blade as a fun series worth reading. TL;DR … Continue reading Review: Fault Lines (Born to the Blade S1E2)
Review: Arrivals (Born to the Blade S1E1)
Serialized stories are not new. Magazines often published novels and stories in parts, but this form of storytelling fell out of popularity as audiences switched to novels. Novellas and novelettes also declined in popularity, but in the past few years, the form has gotten renewed interest. So, why not serialized stories? Serial Box is answering … Continue reading Review: Arrivals (Born to the Blade S1E1)
Review: Sorcerer of the Wildeeps
In the fantasies that I read, the caravan guards are rarely given more than a fighter’s role. In Kai Ashante Wilson’s Sorcerer of the Wildeeps, the focus is the caravan guards and the two special men among them. The novella succeeds on the relationships between this men. To review Sorcerer of the Wildeeps properly, I … Continue reading Review: Sorcerer of the Wildeeps
Review: White Sand Volume 2
White Sand Volume 2 The world of the Cosmere expands in the latest volume of Brandon Sanderson’s White Sand graphic novel. In White Sand volume 2, we follow Kenton as he tries to save the sand masters by making political deals. Does he succeed despite the assassins that are set against him? TL;DR Fun adventure … Continue reading Review: White Sand Volume 2
Review: Dresden Files Dog Men
Solid if straight forward comic set in the Dresden Files universe. Recommended for fans of the series that want more than just the novels.