The Exiled Fleet by J.S. Dewes is an excellent follow up to The Last Watch. It builds on everything I loved about the first book and delivers more insight into the Divide's universe. This is a series to watch.
Review: You Sexy Thing
You Sexy Thing is excellent space opera. Cat Rambo has created a joyful, hopeful tale of found family. Come for the characters; stay for the fun. Highly recommended.
Review: A Radical Act of Free Magic
A Radical Act of Free Magic continues where A Declaration of the Rights of Magicians left off. This wonderful blend of history and the supernatural delighted me until the end. Highly recommended.
Review: A Declaration of the Rights of Magicians
H.G. Parry created an entertaining book about the politics of abolition in England and France prior to the French Revolution. "A Declaration of the Rights of Magicians" was a fantastic, fun, and fast read. Highly recommended.
Review: When the Sparrow Falls
The gritty world of Neil Sharpson's When the Sparrow Falls stayed with me long after I finished. This dystopian thriller is highly recommended to SF and mystery fans.
Review: The Jasmine Throne
The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri exceeded all my expectations. Its politics, setting, characters, and magic all hit the right notes for me. This book about power, resistance, and the cost of being a ruler is magnificent fantasy. Highly recommended for fantasy fans.
Review: After the Apocalypse
The myth of American Exceptionalism was made for people like me. I grew in a small town in the Midwest. My family were and are farmers who love the land they've worked for generations. I also grew up in the wake of the unprecedented prosperity the country felt during the Cold War, and I remember … Continue reading Review: After the Apocalypse
Review: The Ninth Metal
Action, murder, corporate intrigue, all fill The Ninth Metal. This book has it all, and I enjoyed each mystery as it unfolded. Recommended.
Review: The Library of the Dead
The Library of the Dead by T.L. Huchu is an excellent start to a new urban fantasy series. The main character, Ropa, entertains and will make you laugh. If you're an urban fantasy fan, this is a must read book. Highly recommended.
Review: The Blacktongue Thief
The Blacktongue Thief opens a new and must read fantasy series. It blew me away. Kinch is my new favorite character in fantasy, and I can't wait to learn more about his world. Highly recommended.