In the fantasies that I read, the caravan guards are rarely given more than a fighter's role. In Kai Ashante Wilson's Sorcerer of the Wildeeps, the focus is the caravan guards and the two special men among them. The novella succeeds on the relationships between this men. To review Sorcerer of the Wildeeps properly, I … Continue reading Review: Sorcerer of the Wildeeps
Review: White Sand Volume 2
White Sand Volume 2 The world of the Cosmere expands in the latest volume of Brandon Sanderson's White Sand graphic novel. In White Sand volume 2, we follow Kenton as he tries to save the sand masters by making political deals. Does he succeed despite the assassins that are set against him? TL;DR Fun adventure … Continue reading Review: White Sand Volume 2
Review: Dresden Files Dog Men
Solid if straight forward comic set in the Dresden Files universe. Recommended for fans of the series that want more than just the novels.
Review: The World Awakening
The World Awakening is a satisfying conclusion to the Gateways to Alissia trilogy. I’m sad to see it go but had fun while in country. Highly recommended.
Review: The Gone World
Some novels take their time to build; some start with a sprint and keep going from there. The Gone World by Tom Sweterlitsch falls in the second category. The prologue packs a ton of ideas and hooked me immediately. It set a very high standard that the rest of the book surpassed. Mr. Sweterlitsch mixed … Continue reading Review: The Gone World
Review: The Ballad of Black Tom
Fiction at its best lets us experience a life different than our own. It expands our perspective and allows us to practice empathy. If we're mindful, we can learn about the marginalized, about the oppressed, and about those who struggle daily to survive. A good story can show us the survival mechanisms that others need … Continue reading Review: The Ballad of Black Tom
Review: Conjuring the Universe
Why do the laws of physics exist? Our universe is not a place of chaos and lawlessness. It and everything within it follow strict rules that shape the universe into a place where we can exist. For some, this indicates a creator, who set everything in motion for us. For other like Peter Atkins, there … Continue reading Review: Conjuring the Universe
Reviews Looking Back, Reviews Going Forward
Looking back on 2017, I'm happy with the review section of this blog. Now, happy doesn't mean it's perfect, but overall I think it was the start I needed. As I look forward to 2018, improvements become obvious, and I plan to make this year better. As always, the review policy is applicable for any … Continue reading Reviews Looking Back, Reviews Going Forward
Review: The Future of Humanity
Science fiction often sends humanity off planet and out into the universe. Have you ever wondered how as a species humans accomplish this? If the answer is yes, then physicist Michio Kaku has written the book for you.
Review: A Universe From Nothing
Imagine applying the old chicken and egg problem to the universe. Ready? Here goes. Which came first the universe or the laws of physics?