Weekly Reading Roundup 20 April 2018 Once again, I'm posting about the reading that really stood out to me during the week. Normally, these are items that I'd have posted on Facebook, but a few weeks ago, I dropped my Facebook account. You see, I became addicted to Facebook - posting, commenting, debating, and watching … Continue reading Weekly Reading Roundup 20 April 2018
What I’m Reading – March 2018
It's nearly the end of March, and I'm on pace with my reviewing schedule. Publishers have been generous, and I've gotten access to incredible books. When a publisher gives me an advanced review copy (ARC), it goes to the top of my to be read pile (TBR) and review list. So, here is my April … Continue reading What I’m Reading – March 2018
Reviews Looking Back, Reviews Going Forward
Looking back on 2017, I'm happy with the review section of this blog. Now, happy doesn't mean it's perfect, but overall I think it was the start I needed. As I look forward to 2018, improvements become obvious, and I plan to make this year better. As always, the review policy is applicable for any … Continue reading Reviews Looking Back, Reviews Going Forward
2017 in Retrospect
2017, on a personal level, has been a good but busy year. On a national level, it’s been a disaster, but there are many people talking about that in a much better way than I. It’s a bit early to do a year in review for me. There is a lot of good things happening … Continue reading 2017 in Retrospect
A Baseball to the Head
My father once took on the thankless task of being our baseball coach. It was my first year out of tee ball, which meant the big leagues for us. We needed no assistance to make contact with the ball. Now, my father, at this time, played slow pitch softball with his friends on the weekend. … Continue reading A Baseball to the Head
Review: Astrophysics for People in a Hurry
The difference between a good artist and a great one is never a question of competency. No, the great artist reveals the beauty of the subject in a way that creates awe in us whereas the good simply represents. The great reawakens that childish sense of amazement. If this is true, then Neil deGrasse Tyson … Continue reading Review: Astrophysics for People in a Hurry
2017 Goal: Short Story Reading
One of my goals from this year has been to read more short stories, and since that's a very vague goal, I rewrote it to say one short story per week. That's a very easy goal to accomplish. Is it too easy? Well, since at this point in the year, I've read more short stories … Continue reading 2017 Goal: Short Story Reading
Practical Spaceship Design on Dan Koboldt’s Blog
I have a guest post essay up on Dan Koboldt's blog. The essay is part of his Science in SF series, and my contribution pulls in skills from my day job to look at practical space ship design. Click the picture below to read it! While you're there, take a look at Dan's writing as … Continue reading Practical Spaceship Design on Dan Koboldt’s Blog
The Joys of Blogging
It's Friday! What a week it has been. Work has cut into most of my writing time, which is okay. I like my paycheck, and sadly my writing provides zero of those. I am, however, working on a couple of posts for this blog - a spiritual piece and a book review. The book review … Continue reading The Joys of Blogging